Saturday, January 19, 2008

A comical celebration of independence in Gilgit Baltistan

The Northern Areas administration announces to celebrate Independence Day of Gilgit Baltistan on 21st November officially. The military and civil administration has finalized several programmes to celebrate the Independence Day of Gilgit to pay tribute to the martyrs and heroes of 1947 war.
The people of Gilgit Baltistan condemned the programme and said that 1st November is their day of Independence from Dugra’s regime, but the government of Pakistan wants to distort the history of Gilgit Baltistan through such comical celebrations.
Addressing a press conference in Skardu, Manzoor Hussain Parwana Chairman Gilgit Baltistan United Movement said " We have been celebrating two independent days for 60 years, firstly on 1st November, which is historically our independent day from Dugras, secondly on 14 August at the occasion of Independence Day of Pakistan officially. Now 21st November will be our 3RD independence day. It is a big joke with our nation. Govt of Pakistan has already seized our Identity, democracy and independent, now it is an attempt to distort our history.
"Gilgit Baltistan is entitle as the black hole of the world by European Union and known as the colony of 21st Century but we are flabbergasted that "What’s brand of independent is exist in the region for that three independent days are celebrating, while the people are facing wrath of slavery". He added
The background of this official buffoonery is that on 1st November the real day of Independence was observed by Gilgit Baltistan Democratic Alliance a pro-independence nationalists alliance and showed their street power first time in the history of the region. The peoples fully supported the agenda of nationalist organizations that was an intimidation for the Northern Areas administration.
At the nationalists rally, the people were found chanting slogans for Independence and they demanded for an Independent State comprising Gilgit and Baltistan.So the Northern Areas administration has decided to celebrate another day of Independence to reduce the pressure over the government. On 21st November, the Northern Areas administration will try to defuse the strength of nationalist with a large gathering of government servants and employees. It is to be noted that public gathering is prohibited due to state of emergency in the country.
‘The emergence of new Independent day 21ST November for Gilgit Baltistan may be included in the package of General Musharraf granted for the region recently".
A local leader concluded.

Issued By
Gilgit Baltistan United Movement
Skardu Baltistan
Dated 20th November 2007

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