Saturday, January 19, 2008

Role of the Members of NA Legislative Council

Role of the Members of NA Legislative Council:-
Few days back, I had a chance to meet a member of Northern Areas legislative Council, who is an activist of Pakistan Peoples Party. We discussed a lot of things including the role of opposition in the council and formulation of policies. Unfortunately, he was not that much politically mature in his responsibilities as an opposition leader in the Council, similarly all other members of Legislative Council are the same, who don’t know about their role and responsibilities. Their horizons of thinking are very limited, their concentration is just towards their salary and during their whole tenure they think and try to establish good relationship with bureaucrats, so they don’t create problems and hindrances while allocation and disbursement of ADP’s (annual development program) funds. In this way both the bureaucrats and members of the Legislative Council are involved in embezzlement activities and corruption. Forget their real job, they have no chance to think and discuss the real issues including the constitutional status of Northern Areas, educational problems, health issues, importance of tourism and its impact on Socio-economic condition of the people of Northern areas and they have no sense to understand the Geo-political importance of Northern Areas.All these issues which are prevailing due to the inability of the representatives, who are still unable to see the true picture of the Northern Areas and they follow and act on the orders which come from Islamabad, whether in the interest of the People of Northern Areas or not.Few months back some members of Legislative Council presented their resolution in the council demanding change in the name of Northern areas, empowerment of the deputy chief and advisors of the Legislative Council and providing job opportunities and promotion to the people of Northern areas in stead of outsiders.It was first time in the history of Legislative Council that such steps had been taken by some councilors and they tried to prove the realities by raising thheir voices for the needs and requirements of the people of northern areas. The Council did pass the resolution but ,as usual, their implementation did not materialize.After passing the resolution the councilors did not show the cooperation and were unable to persuade the federal government to implement their demands. Due to this very fact the people of Northern Areas have lost their confidence in the council and consider it a puppet, they give many other similar names to the council.Until and unless we don’t have competent political leaders we will remain in the same condition, it is the people of Northern Areas who have to think and struggle for their future and their basic rights. It is the responsibility of everyone to struggle for basic rights and understand the deprived and frustrated situation of the innocent people of Northern Areas and guide them towards positive goals.
Haji Jan Gilgit
18 September 2007

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